

Person responsible

Blueberry IT
André Staudinger
Klingenweg 8
69469 Weinheim

Responsibility for content: André Staudinger, see above

Sales tax ID: DE350140432

Contact us

+49 6201 – 27 17 31


Please contact us preferably by e-mail first.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Scope of application

This legal notice also applies to the following websites:

Data protection

We inform you about the way in which Blueberry IT processes your data in our privacy policy.

Online dispute resolution

The EU provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS): http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We are not willing or obliged to participate in online dispute resolution.

Picture credits

The images come from Canva and are integrated in accordance with the usage guidelines. The icons come from Ionicon and Themify.

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Let's get in touch

Telephone number:
+49 6201 – 27 17 31

+49 156 – 78 93 31 51